Sunday 1 April 2012

Ephrems Publications, Satna -2010

Table of Contents

Table of Contents.......................................................................iii


Foreword ....................................................................................xi


Introduction ................................................................................ 1
Chapter 1 Water and
Baptism” in the World Religions

1. Water and Ablutions in Hinduism............................................ 6

2. Water and Ablutions in Judaism............................................... 7

3. Figures and Types of Baptism in the OT.................................. 9

4. Baptism of John the Baptist.................................................... 10

5. Baptism in the New Testament............................................... 10

6. Baptism in the Apostolic Church ........................................... 11

7. Baptism and Water in the Church Usage ............................... 13

Chapter 2

Baptism in the Early Syriac Writings
1. Baptism in Didachè ................................................................ 16

2. Baptism (

@Jgs) in the Odes of Solomon................................. 21

3. Baptism in the Syriac Didascalia............................................ 26

4. Acts of Judas Thomas............................................................. 30

5. Syriac Acts of John................................................................. 43

6. Liber Graduum (

A‡´²~´o°h¸‰ÉACÉ´‡´É ) ................................................ 45

iv Holy Baptism in the Syriac East

Chapter 3

Baptism in Aphrahat and Ephrem

1. Aphrahat, the Persian Sage .................................................... 46

2. Ephrem of Nisibis................................................................... 65

Chapter 4

East Syrian Interpreters on Baptism

1. Theodore of Mopsuestia......................................................... 78

2. Narsai of Nisibis..................................................................... 92

3. Cyrus of Edessa ................................................................... 108

Chapter 5

Commentaries on Baptism at the Dawn of Scholasticism

1. Anonymous Author .............................................................. 112

2. Yohannan Bar Zo‘bi............................................................. 129

Chapter 6

Commentaries of Abdisho and Timothy II on Baptism

1. Abdisho bar Brikha (+1318) ................................................ 134

2. Patriarch Timothy II (+1332) ............................................... 138

Chapter 7

Baptismal Liturgy in the Syriac East

1. Baptismal Liturgy of the Church of the East........................ 159

2. Highlights of East Syrian Baptismal Liturgy ....................... 179

3. Effects of the Mysteries of Initiation.................................... 188

4. Baptism of Adults and SMC Innovations............................. 193

Table of Contents v

Chapter 8

Holy Baptism: Theology, Law and Praxis

1. Ecclesial Dimension of Sacraments ..................................... 199

2. Mysteries of Christian Initiation........................................... 205

3. Necessity of Baptism for Salvation ...................................... 209

4. Infant baptism in the Church ................................................ 210

5. Requirements for Baptism and Chrismation ........................ 214

6. Minister of Baptism in the East and West ............................ 215

7. Minister of Chrismation in the East and West...................... 216

8. Formula of Baptism in the East and West ............................ 217

9. Formula of Chrismation in the East and West ..................... 217

10. Indelible Imprint of Mysteries of Initiation........................ 218


Sensus Ecclesiae and Church Enrollment .......................... 220

12. Baptism of “Heretics” and “Schismatics” .......................... 221

General Conclusion ................................................................ 223

Bibliography with Abbreviations.......................................... 229

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